
Add points given by users in superchat to the overall points of a user in the scoreboard widget

When you allow users to give each other points in the Superchat widget, these points are not added to the total points a user has collected for the Scoreboard widget. If this is made possible, you would have a great new way to have users interact. Plus, it adds an extra dimensions for collecting points. 

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Thanks! Interesting idea. Do you have a specific use case on your mind how you would use this opportunity if it would exist? 
This would be an extension to the original idea of points to evaluate ideas and sort them by points. 
I can see you point. 

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Hi IIkka, thank you for your question. There is not 1 specific use case I have in mind; it is more the overall goal of increasing online participation. 

I discussed the idea more in depth with my colleague. The first idea was indeed to have participants give points to each other in the superchat to evaluate ideas/opinions/etc as a means to increase activity online. However, after our discussion we came to the conclusion that this might deter participants from posting on Howspace. If your ideas don't get points, or low points, it can deter you from posting again. Therefore detering overall online activity, which we do not want. 

Our main goal is to stimulate activity online. So, we have an improved idea: give points to participants when they 'Like' other people's posts. By doing this, participants can still earn points but with a less "judgy" result that might negatively influence others. 

What do you think?

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Good news, that is already available in Leaderboard settings. 


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J Demunck 3.2.2025 12:57 Edited: 3.2.2025 14:08

Hi llkka, 
Thanks, I'll try it out!

Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Under consideration

29.1.2025 11:04, J Demunck

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