
Container background images

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Antti Peisa, Howspace 29.10.2024 13:36 Edited: 18.3.2025 11:04

We have possibility to have custom background color for container. Sometimes - for example when creating image banners with text - it would be great to have possibility to add background image for container.

Lotta Mäkinen, Matilda Mäkitalo, Mika Lillman, Carolina Bowes, Pernilla Sjodin
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Lotta Mäkinen 29.10.2024 13:37 Edited: 13.3.2025 13:39

This would be such a great addition! 

Antti Peisa, Howspace, Richard Serio
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Mia 17.3.2025 13:46 Edited: 20.3.2025 07:09

That sounds interesting!!!

Carolina Bowes, Lotta Mäkinen
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Antti Peisa, Howspace 19.3.2025 16:39 Edited: 20.3.2025 07:09

Currently work in progress.

Lotta Mäkinen
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Testing in progress :) 

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Test 1: Text widgets in containers with background images and a button created with the text widget.

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Test 2: Text widgets, image widget (the laptop), pulse and chat in containers with background images.

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Lotta Mäkinen 20.3.2025 17:46 Edited: 20.3.2025 19:29

Test 3: Imaginary "business event" welcome page with agenda, short activation during a keynote speech and "info" about the after party. Two container images back to back (keynote & after party). Text widget, poll and super chat used. 

Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Work in progress

29.10.2024 13:36, Antti Peisa, Howspace

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