
Custom page for archived workspace

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Maija Tapani 17.10.2024 05:45 Edited: 17.10.2024 09:52

The page that shows up when a workspace I try to enter is archived is at the moment the same for everyone - the sad bunny page shown below.

The request is to be able to customise this. I.e. get the page reflect the visuals of the actual workspace that the person tries to enter, and a possibility to write a custom message on the page.

Linda Sandgren
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Thanks Maija, I am just repeating what I read to make sure we are on the same page. This page would follow the visuals of the archived workspace. When an admin is archiving the workspace, we will offer a possibility to write text for this page as part of the archiving workflow, right? 

Maija Tapani
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Maija Tapani 17.10.2024 05:55 Edited: 17.10.2024 06:38

Thanks Ike, I mean exactly as you describe it! The visuals of the archived workspace are for the user to recognise themselves trying to enter the same space where they had been before, and then seeing the custom message that could also include who to contact, if that possibility is offered. It sounds like a logical flow that the text would be written as part of the archiving workflow, whether scheduled or done manually.

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Work in progress

17.10.2024 05:45, Maija Tapani

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