
How to copy sent emails in workspace template

It would be nice and really time-saving to have emails copied in workspace template. When the template is kind of designed collaboration with guiding messages, the admin could create new workspace for his/her group and use the emails as draft. 

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Thanks for your idea Irina.

Are you talking about copying emails when:

A) creating a template from a workspace or 
B) creating a workspace from a template?

And also - it is just about draft emails that should be copied? In a logical sense we shouldn't have any "sent emails" inside templates, but drafts are possible.

Then we also have those default emails which content can be modified - those should be probably copied too?

In technical sense this is all doable and we want to do it - we just haven't figured it out yet how to actually implement this one exactly.

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Under consideration

12.9.2023 06:14, Irina Kuoksa, Howspace

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