
More options for the picture/image widget


I'm a bit in a trouble now, due the images that are now longer able to be placed in the middle of the text. There is a new picture/image widget where you are able to add a headline and text content, but they are placed above the image. I'd need an option to choose in which order I'll set these parts. 

An example about content with an image on the previous version below. There is an image in the middle of the text (likewise in this very "Submit your idea box). 

And here below you can see how I need to do it now. The image is in its own widget, and the text widget is under it. I cannot get the text and image content in the same widget in the order I want.

If I'm wrong, I'd be very happy to hear, how to solv this kind of challenges.


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Under consideration

20.5.2024 17:50, Terhi Kallio

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