Clients have asked this: Could there be possibility to add different kind of PINs for the same image. For example:
Also, Emojies have been asked: users could add Emojies on top of the images.
One extra thing that I would like to add:
And still one more: possibility to select the size of the PIN.
How does this sound? Would you use this feature?
Here is one screenshot of the design.
This is progressing nicely. He is a screenshot from our test environment
I really like this. I've actually previously suggested this to mentimeter for their pinning tool as well. It is really usefull also in self asessment on some sort of scale or mood etc, like "where are you now, where do you want to be?"
Also Emojies are on their way
ps. I like that you use the Cynefin framework as example image 🤩👍
I like it a lot. I have been using a lot during the years. It is useful for many purposes.
It would be great to get some inspiring examples of these new features to be shared with all Howspace users. Do you have some examples in your mind?
Perhaps it might be an idea to add in some auto % re-sizing (shrinking) if there are very many pins used. I am thinking of using pins at some point during the IDG Summit in October and then there could potentially be some thousand pins on an image - then it can get messy with large pin size. And/or if it would be possible to get a "pin count bubble" if many pins are placed on top of each other
2.8.2023 12:46, Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
Released14.8.2023 00:00
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