
Poll - show who has answered what

Customer request, would it be possilbe to show in poll widget who has answered what in results view. This possibility would be important eg. in municipalities when voting eg. in council meetings. (valtuuston kokous).

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Thanks Liisa, that information is available via Export (as you probably know). I agree, that it would be great to be able to see the results in the UI directly as an optional feature. 

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Liisa Marsio, Howspace 13.2.2025 12:10 Edited: 19.2.2025 06:40

Yes, excel is not an option in that kind of use case. But great if you explore this.

Ilkka Mäkitalo, CPO, Howspace
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Under consideration

12.2.2025 10:01, Liisa Marsio, Howspace

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