
Show total group score in the scoreboard

The scoreboard widget allows to see the points each individual has. It would be nice to have the choice to see the total points of the whole group. For programs where you want to stimulate that the group work together and get as many points as possible (as opposed to each individual collecting points for her/him/theirselves), this would help :) 

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Thanks. So you mean all the points in the workspace, the whole group, cohort, not a comparison on small groups?

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Hi IIkka! Yes, that is exactly what I mean: all the points from all participants together. 

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But, your idea of showing points from different groups is interesting too :) 
Maybe that could be a nice addition as well.

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The Group level is already there. You can have several Leaderboards with different settings:
- Individual/group
- Based on Progress or selected activity (engagement)
- based on one page or the whole workspace....

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Hi llkka, 
When you mean you can see the group activity, do you mean based on userlists? Because here I can't seem to select just 1 userlist. It shows all lists, even if in the advanced settings I exclude some of them. Do you know a way around it? 

Excluding lists:

Lists shown:

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Under consideration

29.1.2025 10:57, J Demunck

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