Would it be possible to make journey widget work with steps so that you can edit journey widget to show selected phace in each step. E.g. I have 3 5 steps and journey widget with 5 phases, when I as an admin change the step 2 to be visible, participants would see journey widget to show phase 2 to be active. This would work really well to create flow and show to participants the progress of the process when presenting something.
Hi Otto,
Thanks for the idea! Combining and linking Journey and Steps sounds quite complex. One way how this can be achieved already is to duplicate the journey and set the different duplicates set in the right phase of the journey to be visible in different steps! Could this work?
We are also planning to allow links to widgets/container in the Journey widget. Could that help?
15.1.2024 13:20, Otto Hämäläinen
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