I often set up a page, with a journey to come.
I like then, to use the possibility to schedule all dates - so I don't need to work that manually.
But - would it be possible to schedule the first date as well?
Right now it's marked - even thou the journey havn't started.
Could it be possible to use first phase as "introduction" or "before the journey" type of phase?
You could.
But, right now I have a journey with 10 steps, inkluded a Step 1 Kick-on and a Step 2 Pre-work before Step 3 so...
Better just start the scheduled journey same day it all starts then. 😜
One more trick you could use:
This way the whole Journey would be revealed when the Journey begins.
Thank you for your tricks. For me - your visual design is one of your USP.
I just go the manually way 😜
1.11.2023 07:42, Åsa PR
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