Especially when workspace has participants from different countries and language skills, it would be awesome feature to be able to translate all content to the language participant choses itself. Origin language can be anything. This way everyone can participate fully into dialogue.
Fantastic new functionality! Also means I need to think twice before adding text as graphic elements (which is worse anyway from an accessibility point of view).
That is true Ola!
Just wait when we get speech-to-text released. It is fully compatible with translations, so you can record audio/video on your native language, and I can then immediately read it in Finnish. It is pretty amazing!
Ah, here was the translation thread!
I tested in our IDG Summit workspace and realized I have to set my language to English (American) if I am to get the translations. Then it works really nicely! Cool! Thanks
Yes, the default setting is "Original (no translations)". It is a personal setting, so each participants can choose their preferred language (or use the originals).
30.4.2023 08:19, Antti Peisa, Howspace
Released26.4.2023 00:00
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