
Business Model Canvas

Get your entire business quickly defined, explained, and visualized.

    Strategy & Planning

Traditionally, when entrepreneurs think of a business, the first thing they think of is the business plan. A business plan details the business models and key things a business does. However, the problem now is that things are so rapidly moving that by the time you finish your business plan, the market reality might have already changed. Moreover, for many people business plan creation is such an intimidating task that they use this as an excuse to procrastinate the starting of their business.

The Business Model Canvas forces you to think of your business in a more formal way. It reduces your business model into a set of assumptions that you can then test to either validate or reject, and the overall design and layout encourages big-picture thinking. When you see one part of the canvas empty, you know where you need to put more effort. It's visual, adaptable, and easy to maintain!

Who is the template for?

  • facilitators who want to engage participants in describing a business model
  • small groups where each participant is thinking their business idea independently
  • larger groups of people who are focusing to build the business model canvas for single business (product or service) idea

How is this template used?

The template is intended for an online moderation process, where a facilitator guides a group through the entire process step-by-step. You go through each component or topic individually.

Official Howspace template

Created by our professionals here at Howspace.

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