Currently Howspace Certificates are very limited and they all look pretty similart to each others.
It would be great to have possibility to add any kind of background image for...
In some workspaces, longer messages are sent to users through chats. It would be nice to be able to format these messages by using bold and other styles to enhance...
Hi, I suggest creating a visual feature that makes it easier for the user to keep track of which sections (e.g., paths, exams) they have completed.It would be good if...
We would like the opportunity to influence the order of the activity summary. Currently, we find the arrangement of the activity summary to be confusing, and having the ability to...
My customer asks: Is it possible to develop a feature in Howspace where you can "pin" comments to yourself (or mark them as important, for example)? Over time, things are...
I am building pages in Path Mode that includes an Exam. The overall flow of the page is: read instructions (Textbox), take pre-assessment (Pulse), watch Video, answer Exam questions based...
Customer is asking: When creating new workspaces from mainuser dashboard and adding admins directly from there the default invitation email language is english and it can not be changed (checked...
There is often need to have one "central workspace" or even link to external website (like intranet) from Howspace workspaces. Best place for such a link would be in "Personal"...
We use path mode to help learners monotask. Many of them complete all expected activities, but miss the final "Ready" button at the bottom of the screen. As an admin, I...
We organise European seminars for 40-60 education professionals each year.
Participants in 3-5 day events often want to share photos they have taken during the event. Creating a separate photo...
It appears that symbols and parenthesis can impact the quality of the translation (French standard). Could there be a possibility for admins to edit a translation?
Also, could we limit...
Possibility to select different sizes for "circles" Eg if you are discribing a process where you have sycnhronous and asynchronous work, would be nice to be able to use different...
Even though the AI translations are very good, organizations have their own terms, phrases and slang that doesn't translate right and might even create funny or odd translations. Could each...
Could it be possible to order notifications for admins from a spesific page or even a specific chat? For example: Made a chat for Q&A, and would only want a notification...
Olisiko mahdollista palata polku -tilaan, sen jälkeen kun sen on suorittanut kertaalleen? Jos esimerkiksi esihenkilö haluaisi suorittaa polun useamman tiiminsä kanssa, olisi hyvä että hän voisi palata takaisin polkutilaan siitä...
I have made a mistake with this a couple of times when I'm sending emails through workspaces: I first delete the Subject thinking I'll get back to it once I've...
For PULSE questions with multiple rounds, admin has to manually go to the PULSE widget and modify the answer rounds. Participant has to go back to the same page to...
When we want to send email to remind particiapnts to complete a task/ assignement, currently we can only schedule email to be sent out in a specific date and time....
Hello. I would suggest an improvement for the captioning of videos uploaded to Howspace. It would be beneficial to have the capability to edit the timestamped caption file as needed....
Hello, would it be possible to have a feature in videos to make them mandatory in path mode? Currently, it seems that this option is only available in the PDF...
Would it be possible to make journey widget work with steps so that you can edit journey widget to show selected phace in each step. E.g. I have 3 5...
When facilitating workshops, courses where admin user is not taking part in pulses and polls. It would be handy to have the option to see all results on the page...
Wish for the new feature for editing the visual settings.
Current situation:
You can have visual settings, covering all the pages in one workspace. And in addition you can edit nice...
Olisiko mahdollista saada kaikki profiilitietokentät näkymään aktiivisuuskoosteessa?Excelistä saa hyvin sortattua tietoa, joten auttaisi erilaisissa raporteissa osallistujamäärän ollessa suuri.
Is it possible to create a widget that allows participants to rank something? I came across an activity to ask people to rank 10 items as per their importance. I...
We often share PDF's and with the possibility of downloading it. It would be great to be able to see how many/who have downloaded a pdf. Could be used in...
It would be nice, if there would be a setting in a workspace, that would send reminders to idle users, if not visited workspace [this long] time.
There already is...